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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Ask me anything about Miley Cyrus and I will get it right?

Question:I cant tell you why I know so much for personal safety reasons, but let's just say we are close.

Now, ask away!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I cant tell you why I know so much for personal safety reasons, but let's just say we are close.

Now, ask away!

Is she nice and friendly? Will she be willing to give a friend money or to go shopping with them?

Do she have a tattoo or belly ring?

What's her email?

what is billy ray's mom's name??? BURN

Did she date Nick Jonas if yes how far did she go w/ him?
Let me know at

What Disney show is she on???

You are Miley that's why you know so much about her

If this is the most interesting thing you have to do with your life, I pity you, truly, I do.

If you are indeed close friends with Miley Cyrus, do you really think she'd appreciate you exploiting her for your own fun?

but anyway, does she have a fan sn and e-mail and a place you can mail letters to?

Quite pretending to be her. your not.

what's her blood pressure ?

who was the first person she kissed?????????????

Did Miley ask you to answer questions about her?

How do you know her?