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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> How can I convince my mother I can handle auditioning for films etc?

Question:I had great oppertunities to audition for many great films (e.x. Charlie Wilson's War and National Treasure 2)

I have been asking my mother if I can audition for quite awhile when she finally said

"I don't want you to audition only because I think your not ready for the rejection. I think you might take the rejection bad and I don't want to put you through that"

She only lets me audition for theater (we're I took rejection on some plays pretty well) How come she dosen't let me audition for film (even if it's just to be an extra)?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I had great oppertunities to audition for many great films (e.x. Charlie Wilson's War and National Treasure 2)

I have been asking my mother if I can audition for quite awhile when she finally said

"I don't want you to audition only because I think your not ready for the rejection. I think you might take the rejection bad and I don't want to put you through that"

She only lets me audition for theater (we're I took rejection on some plays pretty well) How come she dosen't let me audition for film (even if it's just to be an extra)?

I've answered similar questions many times and have created a page for young aspiring actresses and actors.

On that page, you will find two links that have to do with convincing your parents. One gives you an overview of why you might be having difficulty. The second link takes you through a step by step process you might try. It's not a sure thing, but I'm positive that will give you some insight and make you think.

Good luck!


be very mature!
let her no that u can do it
keep ur grades up and help around the house!
good luck!

... do it anyway. and i don't mean this just to disobey. but if you honestly think you can take the rejection do it... and whether or not you make the role or get rejected you'll be proving her wrong. follow your dreams and forget about what anyone else says.

Remind her that life is all about handling rejection and better to start now than later.

Isn't that part of acting? Rejection? Your mother is being protective over you as she should. Your mother is there for you and maybe you could tell her how you feel. Do it in a mature way and then maybe she will change her mind.

extra work is horrible .. especially if your non-union

Dream up an elaborate lie of which to convince your mother. Act your way through it until she is completely rapt in your story and is jumping at the chance to act upon your words. Once she has reached this level of persuasion, tell her it was all a lie and that your acting skills obviously wooed her and you think you'd like to try them on a professional stage.

Well, parents. They're overprotective from time to time. Can you really blame them? Maybe your mom had some pretty bad experiences with rejections, and maybe that's why she's trying to "shield" you from those.
You said that you took rejections on some plays pretty well...does that mean that on other play try-outs, you were rejected, and you DIDN'T handle it well? If you had some moments where you lost your cool or burst out crying, maybe you need to make up for those times.
If your mom is open to talk to you, and willing, maybe you and she can talk about where this protection is coming from. Like I mentioned above, she could have had bad experiences with rejections. OR maybe she knows that you might get far, but she's afraid of exposures of her dearest daughter (you know how crazy paparazzi is...scandals, etc!).
If this is something that you want to go far with, you can always slip this into the conversation: "How will I know without trying? How will I know that I was meant to be an actress without trying? Please, mom~~~ May I please have the chance to try out for a movie this time?"
Keep in mind that be gentle with your mom. Mom IS trying her best to be a good mother, even if it isn't to your favor.

well...she should believe u on the word...but since she doesn't...try showing her that u can take rejection...when the perfect opportunity her that u can handle rejection well.....hopefully she'll believe u

Show her you can be strong. If you ever get in a fight with your mom, always remain calm and show you can be tough and mature. Even keeping up your grades and doing extra credit will show through a mother's eyes. No begging, if you know you're mom isn't the type, don't do it. Hope that helped, and good luck!

How can you convince her that extra work is not really an audition? they just look at you and see if you are what they want in the background. It isn't like being rejected from something really important, you either fit in or you don't. Who cares? Maybe, when you can take not getting cast in a play with no prolems, she will let you try for a film. But goodness if it is only extra work, I don't see her objection.