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Question:for our family reunion I want to put together a play and I want some of my family member including myself to be in the play. The problem is that I can't think any good play to do. Somebody please help me to choose a good play

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: for our family reunion I want to put together a play and I want some of my family member including myself to be in the play. The problem is that I can't think any good play to do. Somebody please help me to choose a good play

Write about your family. Do a satirical piece on each of your family members and try to make something meaningful out of it.

I keep writing on things related to my life.

Instead of a play find a short story you like and read it with your family. It is called reader's theatre. You can do a evening readings: poems, jokes, short pieces from Reader's Digest.
This way everyone can participate.

You could always play "How to host a murder" Canada Games Company. Its a game you can buy off the shelf and it has everything you need, script included. Some of the plays are, The Hollywood Premiere of Powar and Greede, Last Train From Paris, The Chicago Caper and The Watersdown Affair.

Have fun.