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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Has anyone seen Wicked in Ohio?

Question:I'm not even sure if it has been there yet, but if it already has is that version good? Is it worth about 35 dollars? lol

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm not even sure if it has been there yet, but if it already has is that version good? Is it worth about 35 dollars? lol

It is definitely worth 35 dollars. In most cities they are charging a lot more to see it. The professional touring cast is just as good if not better than the Broadway cast. Definitely go see it if you can. The show's really popular though, so if tickets are going on sale for any place in Ohio, get them as soon as you can!

And it's going to be in Ohio soon! -

If it's the Broadway Across America version, which I would think it would have to be, since I don't think they're letting random people do it yet, then yes, it is good. Broadway Across America tours a production of similar quality to what you'd see in Broadway, and many times some of the performers also did the roles in NYC.

didnt see it OHIO but go see it...GREAT PLAY! 35 bucks is cheap....go see it