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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Should I pursue acting or give it up?

Question:I have wanted to act sense I was about ten or eleven and I am very anxious to pursue acting. My mother seems to dismiss my desire to act and every time I try to talk to her about it she doesn't seem to listen. Should I continue to pursue acting, or should I just give it up? Please only give constructive criticism. I really hope you feel that I should continue to pursue acting, but if not, please kindly tell me your opinions.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I have wanted to act sense I was about ten or eleven and I am very anxious to pursue acting. My mother seems to dismiss my desire to act and every time I try to talk to her about it she doesn't seem to listen. Should I continue to pursue acting, or should I just give it up? Please only give constructive criticism. I really hope you feel that I should continue to pursue acting, but if not, please kindly tell me your opinions.

You know what you want to do!! Dont change your plans to suit other people, its your life, your choices! This is what you want 100%, why not?

Talk to your mum about it, if she refuses to listen kindly tell her how you feel, because truth is you need her support and approval to help you with this inudstry.
Honestly i am surprised my parents approve and help me because they know i can do other things with my life, but they respect this is what i want. So please dont be afraid to let your mother in!!

Keep going, keep trying! Eventually you will end up were you are ment to be!!

Hope that helps! :)


It doesn't hurt to try! You never know. Don't give up on your dreams.

it never hurts to follow your dreams! if you really try, you can!

If it is that important to you, you shouldn't let your mother get in your way girl! Get out there and do your thing...I look forward to seeing you on the big screen someday.

if acting is something you really want to do, then go for it! no matter what other people think, you should fallow your dreams.

go for it, but make sure it doesnt interfere with school and freinds. and i wouldnt reccomend going to acting school. just kinda do it as a hobby.

I honestly believe that acting should be something you do as a backup choice as it is very hard to find a job in hollywood and you don't want to be delayed financially.

Do what you want to do in life.
If you want to act, then act your heart out, because YOU live the rest of your life, no one else. Do what makes YOU happy, because you wake up every morning for the rest of your life to LIVE. If you aren't living the way you want, then your really not living at all.

listen to ur heart. the heart knows all.

what can i say-the heart wants what the heart wants ^^

i think you should.. only if you absolutley LOVE it. if theres something else you want to do totally open up ideas for somehting else.
ive been studying music for about 5 years and im still unsure
before you give up everything else make sure acting is what you really want to do

All we know is that you really want to do something. We don't know your ability. So you are essentially asking us "should you pursue your interests?"

Of course! You can't live your life letting other people tell you what you can't do. That's not fun. Good luck with it.

if you love acting, the feeling, the rush, the nerves right before u read a scene...then u already have ur answer...i totally understand the mom thing (mine is the same way) and i think it stems from her wanting u to do something that is "for sure" career wise but....u need something for sure heart wise....if u love it do it....just think how proud everyone will be for u when u make it.....its all you girl! go out and live ur life

You should ask your mother why she doesn't want to listen, maybe she has legitimate concerns that can be addressed. However, you should also be doing what you love and you should be prepared to pursue it (so gaining good knowledge is key)

If you love it, GO FOR IT. You have to do what is inside of you.

Any dream that you have is valid. I suggest that you continue in school, but while there take acting classes. Stay in school until you finish at least two years of college, all the while taking classes in acting, and all of the other phases of film making, such as lighting, set decoration, costuming, make up, etc. If after you've finished two years of college, and nothing else has caught your interest, then move to either New York or Hollywood and pursue your dream. Hollywood doesn't want some dumb kid without any education. Also, you'll need an education so you'll know how to maneuver your way around a really great contract!

You didn't reveal your present age but I say by all means, YES. This is especially so if you aren't yet in High School. There you can make it a focus from your first years through taking advantage of every Drama opportunity while still pursuing your regular academics. Don't be deceived by thinking you must wait until you are older to find out. If you really push to do this in High School, it would be a good thing. That way, you could learn, grow and (possibly) get it out of your system if you don't know if it should be your ultimate direction after graduation.

Most of all, don't be discouraged by your mom's lack of support. She is probably very practical as my mom was. Maybe when she gets to see you develop your talent she will change!

Of course you should continue to purse acting if it's what you're passionate about! You also should do well in school and get good job skills, but you should know that you don't have to "make it big" or be on Broadway or in Hollywood to enjoy acting. There is a lot of really terrific local theater out there that you can be involved with while still going to school and/or working.

i agree with the first answerer. just try and if you really want to do it then do it. you can't go at it with a half attitude, you have to put your all into it and eat, sleep and think(is that the saying? lol) acting! if your mom doesn't really support you than i think you still should pursue it because it's not her that's doing it, it's you.