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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Stage Fright.. if you know about drama please answer this. please..?

Question:I want to be an actress and this is going to sound stupid, but sometimes i get shy and dont want to perform in front of others! I do it, anyway but sometimes if i have a choice i'd rather not! Does anyone else get that?

I want to do EVERYTHING about drama,but sometimes i just cant get over that feeling.
HOW can i get over that feeling, become confident again.

Also i think iam trying to prove to everyone around me that i can act so i put myslef under MORE pressure!!

Anyadvice would be so helpful, this is important to me so if you can put as much detail into your answer i would appriciated so much!!


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I want to be an actress and this is going to sound stupid, but sometimes i get shy and dont want to perform in front of others! I do it, anyway but sometimes if i have a choice i'd rather not! Does anyone else get that?

I want to do EVERYTHING about drama,but sometimes i just cant get over that feeling.
HOW can i get over that feeling, become confident again.

Also i think iam trying to prove to everyone around me that i can act so i put myslef under MORE pressure!!

Anyadvice would be so helpful, this is important to me so if you can put as much detail into your answer i would appriciated so much!!


preforming on stage, or just in front of people can be scary. I've been dancing since I was young, and I'm starting to act myself. You will always be nervous, even famous actors admit they get nervous. But not letting those nerves interfere with your character is the key. Try not focusing so much on the audience. Look at them, yes, but get inside your character. Who are they? What has their life been like? analyze them in every way possible. Practice the lines over and over, recite them by yourself in a closed room, then invite a close friend of family member to see you preform. constructive critism is GOOD. use body language, even props. BECOME your character. Once you have that down, remember it all when its time to do it in front of an audience. I recently preformed a monolouge from the 3rd Pirates of the Caribbean. At the last minute, i decided not to use a british accent, and I regret it. It would have brought something more to my character. My teacher liked it, and my classmates said i did very well, but next time i won't hold back. DON'T HOLD BACK. give it your all. don't worry about looking stupid. some of the best actors are the craziest.Think about the worst thing that could happen. You forget your lines, you trip, someone laughs after your through [when it wasn't a comedic monolouge] are any of those things REALLY that bad? NO! everyone messes up, everyone gets embarrased, but if acting is your passion you can overcome your fears. become your character, and don't think about anything else. you'll be just fine.

Think you are intellectually superior than all of them present at the stage. Know that they are all fools. Remember what Shakespeare said " Lord, what fools these mortals be". Practise public speaking before a mirror. Practise acting before a mirror and the shyness will disappear. Also the stage fright

I can only answer this from my daughter experiences as a ballet dancer and know that before a performance especially a solo that she and many of the other girls would get stressed. the idea is to recognise that the stress is good as it gets you prepared to perform and makes you want to do your best. You also have to see that while some can go on to perform without feeling pressure many more feel exactly the same way you do and while they may look confident they are doing their best to appear that way.
Just dont be too hard on yourself and recognise the stress as just part and parcel of performing.

Judy Garland used to throw up before she went on stage (along with several other well known names).
Nothing new about stage fright.

Everybody has stage fright. Jerry Seinfeld once joked that most people at a funeral would rather be in the box than giving the the oration. (In terms of fears, fear of public speaking rates over fear of death with people). I find preparation is my best remedy for it. I immerse myself in what work I'm doing and it passes. When I rehearse, I first do it in front of the mirror, then in front of my dog, then I try it out on a friend, then a few friends. Over the years I've realized that audiences are my friend, mainly, and I've come to enjoy being out in front of them. It is enlivening! Audiences want me to succeed (and they don't expect near the perfection I expect of myself), and part of the reason they are being an audience and not performing may well be due to their stage fright, so they respect what I'm doing. I have sought out many types of performing situations and the butterflies in my stomach are there to help me perform and after a moment or two of performance, and if I've done the preparation, they fly in formation. Concentrate on taking little steps and before you know it, you'll be on your way!

It is only nervous energy. You will always have it before performing. It keeps the performance fresh because you feel like you are living on the edge. Welcome it.

its good to have a little nervousness or excitement b4 u go on stage. if u dont u shouldnt be doing it.