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Question:what is pantomime?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: what is pantomime?

acting without words, or soemthing else, liek preteding you have a prop when you dont

same as being a mime

It obviously means something different in the USA. Here in the UK it is essentially a fairy story like Jack in The Beanstalk, Puss in Boots, Aladdin, Cinderella etc which has a format to the story. There is a hero, a heroine, an idiot, a baddy and/or goody. The hero is usually played by a woman, there is a dame who is played by a man. At least one slapstick scene which is in the kitchen cooking (a lot of mess), the laundry (someone ending up going through a mangle), or decorating scene (loads of wallpaper and paste). There is a lot of audience participation - joining in singing, shouting out 'Its behind you!', or 'Oh no there isn't!'. It is a great night out for all the family and is mostly performed around Christmas time. In the UK, quite a few well known actors take part. Henry Winkler (Fonz) and Paul Michael Glazer (Starsky) have both taken part in British pantomimes. Have found a great link to a website which explains more.