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Question:Sooo... Im in a play and I need advice plz! How do u cry on stage? Is it acward 2 have a stage kiss? Can u plz answer and give me advie 2 those questions? THANKS SO MUCH!!!!!!!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Sooo... Im in a play and I need advice plz! How do u cry on stage? Is it acward 2 have a stage kiss? Can u plz answer and give me advie 2 those questions? THANKS SO MUCH!!!!!!!!

Well, if you've done your proper job and have acted well enough, the tears should come easy enough...that's if you're a method actor (meaning, you become the character you portray, rather than simply "acting" as that character). However, if you are a technical actor, you may find simply crying on cue harder since the emotional baggage isn't there, and you may have to think of sad things or emotional personal experiences. If you find you're a little of both...well, simply try to get yourself "worked up" on stage, and you'll be surprised at how easy the tears come after a while. Practise in front of a mirror and make note of what causes you to become upset.

As for the kissing, again, if you're doing your job properly, you shouldn't be too awkward on stage. Yes, during the rehearsal process you may feel a bit weird about kissing another person, one you probably don't have any true romantic feelings for...but when those lights come up on stage and you're facing an's your job to make it as realistic as within your acting abilities.

I had a teacher once advise my first year acting class to simply be passionate, not act passionate.

Best of luck!

when trying to make your self cry you should probably think of vey sad thoughts like someone you love died or somthing, or try to get in the moment of the play and act like is real life, so if its a sad moment act as if its real, and for the kiss it is akward but in the end everyone knows its just acting

i cry when i listen to "yesterday" bahahahah.

Crying is kinda hard but it comes kinda easy for me for some reason... I can just look at something and make myself cry... Just try to make your self feel like whatever has happened to the person your playing has happened to you. Make yourself become the person... I know probably a lot of people have told you that if you have asked around a lot but its really is easy if you really try it.... Ya kissing is akward on stage...
Just so you know Im trying to become an actress... So if you come up with any advice for me email me please!

It's not so much that you as the actor/actress have to "cry" on cue on stage. What is important is that you must make the audience cry. That's not a trick - that's talent.

Kissing? Never had a problem with this. If the scene has been blocked properly and the path has been carefully plotted by the director, there's nothing to it. I would imagine that you're young, and that's why you have asked this question.