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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> The Basics Of acting?

Question:Tell me everything i need to know to be an actress

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Tell me everything i need to know to be an actress

1. It takes a long time of hard work, there are no shortcuts or on-line miracle sites.
2. It helps to get your parents to support the idea of your being an actress (virtually impossible to do anything before you are 18 without them.
3. Read everything Tony has to say on his web site.
4. Feel free to contact me and ask me any questions you have about anything regarding acting and becoming an actor. Do this by reading my profile and writing to me at my aol address.

Sweetheart, it's basically impossible to tell you how to be an actress over Yahoo! Answers. It requires studying and hands-on learning. Depending on your situation, you might need to know different techniques, history, different playwrights, technical aspects, makeup, stage directions, blocking, etc. If you had a more exact question it would be easier to help you. Maybe you should consider taking a course or class about introductory theater or the like.

stupid question

OK. Go get your favorite beverage. Relax and click on this page link to my site for new and aspiring actors. You'll find a lot of information there:


To (possibly mis-)quote the immortal Lord Olivier:

"Know your lines and do not bump in to the furniture."