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Question:for an open audition, does one need like, an agent or headshots or anything? or do you just show up?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: for an open audition, does one need like, an agent or headshots or anything? or do you just show up?

Any one can go to Open auditions, it basically means "open to the public", they will take a Polaroid when you audition, no need for head shots either. Just show up GOOD LUCK

For an open audition, you need a photo and resume.

It's a good idea to have a headshot and resume, but they generally takes stills or videos and make your fill out a release form.

All you truly need is a headshot and a resume but if you are planning on going seriouse with acting you need to get a agent to do the negotiating. Break a leg with the audition

I'd get a professional head shot and I'd put together a professional acting resume. While they might not require them and while you might get a break without them, you want to make an impression that you are professional--and those things will promote that impression.

Do not hire an agent until after you have your union card, and never pay an agent a large fee in advance. Legitimate agents will take a percentage of the money you earn, the ones who demand hundreds of dollars up front will generally do nothing for you until it's time to remind you that next year's fees are due.

There doesn't seem to be a consensus. You are just going to have to wing it. Just show up, you don't need an agent. If you are under 18, better take a parent to sign forms for you.

When doing an open audition, I think you need a head shot, a resume, and a prepared piece (if it says so, like if it's a musical, you would need to have a prepared song)