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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Im afraid my brother will turn into a better actor than me?

Question:is this normal? Having competition? what sould i do? Theatre was always my thing and now he is getting involved in the same footsteps!!! what sould i do?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: is this normal? Having competition? what sould i do? Theatre was always my thing and now he is getting involved in the same footsteps!!! what sould i do?

Competition only makes us fiercer. So practice practice practice. Who cares if your brother ends up being better than you if his following your footsteps made you better than everyone else? Besides, he's your brother. Be happy for him - plus, you have someone close to you in the same field that you can give each other tips and help each other to succeed together.

Quit worrying about who's better than you, do the best you can and just enjoy what you do. There's no point to try and compete.

Be proud of your brother and wish him well. Believe me. . . there's room for the both of you. Good Luck!

'afraid' or jealous?

Learn to spell.

You should support and encourage him in his endeavours.

Be glad for his talents, and focus on being the best you can be at your acting. "Better" is relative. Sometimes you'll do better than he will, and other times he'll do better than you will. Feeling competitive is normal, but don't let it take over your life or your enjoyment of theater - especially since this is your brother.

i know EXACTLY how you feel! my sis never did a damn thing she didn't see our mother giving me approval for. I learned to just not do anything because it was easier than complaining about it. and now I regret it but im too old. if you love something just do it. if you want to give it up let it go and accept responsibility for it or it will make you miserable.

Do't discourage him if you think he may be better than you are. In fact, encourage him as he may be there for you later in life when you could use his help. You will not appreciate him like you should until later on in life. Be proud he thought highly enough of you to follow in your footsteps.

One word, sweetie: SABOTAGE!!! No, I'm kidding, but seriously. Look at this situation as a challenge for you. There is always some competition in whatever you try to do, whether it's acting or looking for a job or even trying to date. TYake this oppurtunity to compare your skills to his, and paying special attention to the areas in your acting that you think he upstages you in.
P.S. Think about the things you upstage HIM in, and rejoice! (Not too much though...)

It's totally normal, AND...what you should do is encourage him. You're his sister and you know more about this than he does because you've been involved longer. You can be supportive...which will make him support you, too. If you two are overly competitive, it will do nothing but damage your relationship...and it WILL bleed over into your performances. Conversely, supporting each other will bring you closer and improve performances. You can practice together, too!

Girl be happy for you brother don't be jealous of him encourage him if you let that get between you things will never be the same for the both of you.

Be happy for him if he is good, and keep on practicing the more you practice the better you get. Competition is normal, and it should make you a better actress as well, because now you have the drive to be better. Just don't hate him if he is good, diffuse the jealousy into harder work from you instead of hatred and regret for your brother. When you are grownups you will laugh about it, maybe he can help you out and you guys can practice drama together and it may just bring you closer.

there's nothing u can do about it.

thx for 2 pts. i don't even know what ur question is.

lmao at david g's reply

You're not competing for roles with him, so what's the problem?

You should enjoy working with your brother. And hey, look at Hollywood. There are so many famous actors\singers who's siblings have gotten famous because of their families success.

Wow. You're really selfish.

What you should do is punch yourself in the face for asking such a stupid question.

Your competition isnt with your brother, it is with girls your age. How can your brother be a girl if the part called for a girl? Look at your strengths and value them. He probably casts great for a man. You cannot possibly cast great for a man, right? So be proud of your brother and better yourself as a female actor.

You should pay attention to your goals.not his. And if he turn out to be a better performer than you; be graceful and ask for his help and in-put. Why is it so hard for people to be happy for someone else..especially family.
You should be cheering him on, not jealous. Besides, maybe you'll be the better performer...then you will have been hating on him for no reason. If u can't be happy for your family's achievements..I think you are a bit too self envolved/there's more to life than U!

Be proud of him and discover your own talent. Compete only with yourself.

Merry Christmas fom Caracas-Venezuela

Competition can be good or bad, but it doesn't need to exist at all. If you're more worried about your brother than developing your own skills - you may be in the wrong profession. Instead of letting this be a barrier between you, why don't you both use it to hone your skills. You seem to have a great opportunity here to practice your skills on someone that understands the career path you've chosen.

Why not use this as an opportunity to become closer to your brother, and not as a wedge to drive you farther apart. You will always find people that are more skilled than you are. Your job is to become the best you can be - learning from everyone around you to master your craft to the best of your abilities. Stop worrying about the competition and focus on being the best actor you can be.

Good Luck!

I have a somewhat similar problem to you... :(
My little brother ALWAYS gets the attention and now he wants to act too.
You and your brother won't compete for the same parts, so it shouldn't be too much of a hassle!! I know that sounds annoying, but you can't not let him act just because you want to.. Imagine how you'd feel! Try asking him for advice (e.g. "Does this monologue sound right to you?", ect.) and he'll do the same for you. It might even bring you closer together!

Be happy he wants to be involved. Might be a great way you two can connect together.

But I understand the jealousy. My girlfriend is 20 times better at acting than I'll ever be. I remember just after one reading at an audition we both went for, I sat there and after processing all the jealousy, I suddenly had this stunner of a realization. I realized that she made me look incredibly good up there.

This nutty thing we do called acting is in so many ways a very giving activity. It needs to be.

Give support to your brother, and it will be repaid to you in ways you may not realize at this moment.

It's normal for there to be competition, especially in such a business! Instead of trying to hurt eachother, help improve your talents give advice to him and he will to you. You might want to see him fail so you can suceed, but really would you be happy seing him like that? Also at the end of the day the director picks who he wants to be in his production and also he is a boy you cant both go for the same parts anyway!!
Try to be supportive of eachother!
Good Day!

Just do your best. Don't worry about your brother. Be proud of him if he is better, and ask him for tips. If he isn't, then help him to be the best that he can be and give him some tips. Just don't worry about it. If you aren't as good as him, then that's OK. You just have to be the best that you can be and let him do the same.