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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> How do you keep, keeping on?

Question:I always say to myself when I don't get a part in some provincial run 'Good, because it would have tied me up and prevented me from auditioning for a (non-existent forthcoming) West End part'.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I always say to myself when I don't get a part in some provincial run 'Good, because it would have tied me up and prevented me from auditioning for a (non-existent forthcoming) West End part'.

You could move to Seattle and have to face this.....
More than 8,000 people - men, women and children live without a permanent home every night in King County. This is a sobering statistic, especially when you consider:

65%, or more than 3,000, are families with children
Children aged 0-17 make up 31% of the people living in shelters
More than 1,000 people accessing shelter or transitional housing on the night of the one night count reported a recent history of domestic violence
Over the course of a year, it is estimated that over 24,000 people will experience an episode of homelessness.
There are many reasons for homelessness and even better reasons for finding solutions.

It is cost effective.

It is humane.

It is the right thing to do.

Thats the good ol USA
Hope this gives you something to think about.......

I simply admit to myself there is no other course of action, but to keep on keeping on or give up and no longer survive or exist!

larf and the world larfs with you.



It's really hard to go through auditions and get your hopes up and then not get the part. I've been there several times myself. I just build up off of what I learned through the experience and use it to improve myself. I think to myself that eventually my time to get the part will happen soon. In the meantime being in a chorus or having a small part can still be rewarding and fun.

as soon as i finish a casting, i just forget about it (although i do think of other ways i could have done the casting differently, just in case i get a similar audition later on).
no point in wasting time and energy thinking if i got the part or not. if i do, its a nice surprise!

in the UK (at least), sometimes you get the part and then the shoot gets cancelled or they decide to use another actor.

if i get a part, i don't jump for joy until the contracts arrive on my doorstep.

I will keep on waitressing till I get the part I want!

I'm joking, at the moment I am doing A levels and wondering why the hell I am, I hate academia. I thought I wanted to go to university..all I really want to do is acting and I wish I could throw all the education out of the window and concentrate on acting..but I am aware that is irresponsible and a waste.

I've been involved in a few student films, and they mess you around so so much, so yes, I know what you're talking about.

Good luck and take care..and I hope one day you really will get that West End part :)