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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Crying on Cue Techniques! What are your strengths and weaknesses?

Question:I have many questions about acting and there is one reason why, because at my drama class the teacher doesnt teach drama!! So i need to learn how to act by myself, you can help my and others in my situation by answering this question!

What are some ways/techniques one can cry on cue?
(Apart from feeling what the character feels) What other methods are there, eg. how would you position your face, ect blah...blah

ALSO as an actor what are your i)STRENGTHS and how do you act them? eg/ i am good at show this by ......

And your ii)WEAKNESSES? and how do you perform them now -that you feel doesnt work? How would you want to perform them?
eg/ i cant cry on cue..i sually scrunch my face but it doesnt work, i need help to do this right like good actors do!..

Thank You (once again!!)
answers welcome, minus unnecessery comments!
PLEASE give as MUCH DETAIL as you can, hey you can get 10 points!!..... :):):)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I have many questions about acting and there is one reason why, because at my drama class the teacher doesnt teach drama!! So i need to learn how to act by myself, you can help my and others in my situation by answering this question!

What are some ways/techniques one can cry on cue?
(Apart from feeling what the character feels) What other methods are there, eg. how would you position your face, ect blah...blah

ALSO as an actor what are your i)STRENGTHS and how do you act them? eg/ i am good at show this by ......

And your ii)WEAKNESSES? and how do you perform them now -that you feel doesnt work? How would you want to perform them?
eg/ i cant cry on cue..i sually scrunch my face but it doesnt work, i need help to do this right like good actors do!..

Thank You (once again!!)
answers welcome, minus unnecessery comments!
PLEASE give as MUCH DETAIL as you can, hey you can get 10 points!!..... :):):)

trust me i'm in the same situation i need to know this stuff and dont have good acting classes. so i'm teaching myself too. but i already know how to do this one. trust me its easy, just only one weakness DONT WEAR CONTACTS WHILE YOURE DOING it IT BURNS!!! but i'm good at a lot of this kind of stuff. hey if you find out any more helpful things tho can u email them to me

1. think of bad things: death of someone u know, not getting the part, cutting your thumb off, etc. (this is the best)
2. eat onions or lemon juice befor e you KNOW you need to force cry
3. dont blink! whatever you do dont blink until it really hurts then you will start cryying automaticle
4. look sad. easily said
5. yawn

You ask for what most professional actors use but you do not want to read about feeling what the character feels. Most good actors trigger their tears with reacting to the situation set up for the character in the scene.

I can cry anytime I want but that is because tears have always been accessible to me. If I ever have trouble I remember the smells in the hospital room when my father died.

Remembering smells of a heart rendering situation of the past will almost always work. The sense of smell is hard wired directly into our emotions, more so than other senses because it is more primative.

It is also helpful to refrain from blinking for a while as the eyes quickly dry out and tears form to moisten them.