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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Was Marlon Brando excelled by anybodyelse in performance?

Question:His charm in a streetcar named desire, His eloquence in Julius Caesar, His handsomeness in The Waterfront, His method acting in Godfather

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: His charm in a streetcar named desire, His eloquence in Julius Caesar, His handsomeness in The Waterfront, His method acting in Godfather

Brando was among the best but wheter or not heis performances were eclipsed or not is difficult to say...very not forget his award winning perf. in Apocalypse Noiw w/Martin Sheen, Harrison, Robert Duvall-who is very good in his own right as is Robert DiNero and several others

James Dean.
Brando was one of many actors from the 50's,
who was somewhat influenced by James Dean.