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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Which Musical Should I See?

Question:Jersey Boys, Monty Python's Spamalot, Spring Awakening, or A Chorus Line? I can only see one and I can't decide!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Jersey Boys, Monty Python's Spamalot, Spring Awakening, or A Chorus Line? I can only see one and I can't decide!

It depends on what your're in the mood for. If you are into the music (like I am) I would go with A Chorus Line. If you want something that story wise will captivate you go with Jersey boys. If you want comedy go with Spamalot. I'm not a Spring Awakening fan. Just didn't thrill me.

I'd say Spring Awakening or Spamalot.

I vote Spamalot

I saw Monty Python and A Chorus Line and they are both very good. Monty Python is so funny and A Chorus Line has great dancing! It all depends on your tastes. A Chorus Line is more serious but still has good humor and Monty Python is just all laughs and it has funny songs. If you could see both you should. Enjoy your musical!

spamalot b/c it is fun and farcical

Spring Awakening.
