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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Acting advice tips?

Question:1) What is the best advice you have been given, or can give about acting? (e.g-when you want to cry......)

2)How can you tell if YOUR performance is good? without others opinions?

3)How do you put 'passion' in your eyes and body movements when acting in an emotional scene?

4)What advice can you give to an inspiring actor?

5) I want to go to America to persue acting, (when i dont live there) what helping tips can you give me?!

ALSO IF ANYONE CAN PUT ACTING TIPS which you thing work well for you PLEASE suggest them!!

THANK YOU for your time!! :) :) :)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 1) What is the best advice you have been given, or can give about acting? (e.g-when you want to cry......)

2)How can you tell if YOUR performance is good? without others opinions?

3)How do you put 'passion' in your eyes and body movements when acting in an emotional scene?

4)What advice can you give to an inspiring actor?

5) I want to go to America to persue acting, (when i dont live there) what helping tips can you give me?!

ALSO IF ANYONE CAN PUT ACTING TIPS which you thing work well for you PLEASE suggest them!!

THANK YOU for your time!! :) :) :)

I wish they never came up with word "acting". The best actors in the world don't "act", they feel the emotions naturally from within the life experience of the character.

1- If you want to cry in a scene, become the character and feel their pain based on the situation, and then you won't have to act like you're crying - you will be crying.

2- Your performance is good when you are actually feeling the emotions that you're portraying. The feelings must come from your heart in order for them to be sincere. In order for them to come from your heart, you must know who the character is, and what is their experience. Research the character and their background fully. According to the story, know what they like, hate, love, long for etc., etc.

3- You don't "put" passion in your eyes and body, rather, you become passionate about what you're doing and what you're saying. Find out what the purpose of the story is. The best way to do this is: when you read a script for the first time, don't put passion into it. Let the words speak to you - just like when you read a book. It is the story and the words that move you. It is the intent behind the words and actions that make a story compelling

Reread the script over and over until you know the words and the story "backwards and forewords". When you understand the meaning behind the script, you will become naturally passionate. The emotions; the tears, the joy and the laughter will all come naturally. You must love the character you're portraying and become that character on stage or in front of a camera.

4- You must be completely dedicated. Knock on all doors, don't give up and keep pushing. Present yourself to every audition, take any job no matter how big or small. Even without pay at first, just to get practice and recognition.

Join a reputable acting class for practice and connections. Stay connected in the acting millieu wherever you live. Join acting groups.

5 - You must be very strong emotionally, and be prepaired to handle a lot of rejection. It is very, very tough to become well known and to stay known. You must be brave in order to persevere.

Good luck for 2008!

What I will say is that have all the confidence to be come an inspiring actor and believe in yourself that you can do it!

There are many excellent books on the subject, including "Respect for Acting" by Uta Hagen, that can help you on your journey.