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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> I'm trying to learn how to speak with a thick brooklyn accent?

Question:I wanna learn how to speak with a Brooklyn accent! I'm not being stereotypical, so don't even start, but you should know what I mean. I know that you're supposed to make the 'err' sounds 'oi', like New Jersey to New Joisey, but there have to be other rules? Any pointers, anything would be helpful, even a video with someone who has the accent so I can listen to it... thanks!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I wanna learn how to speak with a Brooklyn accent! I'm not being stereotypical, so don't even start, but you should know what I mean. I know that you're supposed to make the 'err' sounds 'oi', like New Jersey to New Joisey, but there have to be other rules? Any pointers, anything would be helpful, even a video with someone who has the accent so I can listen to it... thanks!

With Ns and Ds (possibly Ts and a few other letters), push your tongue to the back of your top front teeth. I watched tons of movies to get my New York accent (Newsies is a good one.. it's a musical but it's cute and they're all really good) but it took me forever to figure out that one little detail.

Good luck! I also suggest looking for a dialect book that has New York/Brooklyn in it.

Watch Goodfellas!

My advice is not to speak with a thick Brooklyn accent because you will only sound completely phony. The New York accent - Brooklyn, Bronx, whatever, is one of the hardest to do and sound like natural speech. Ditto Massachusetts.

My best advice is to listen to John Travolta in Saturday Night Fever and Paul Newman in Somebody Up There Likes Me, both of whom made the accent very natural without going overboard.

My brother worked on his Brooklyn after watching Newsies - it's a disney musical w/Christian Bale as a teenager.