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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> I'm 28, Is it too late to become an actress?

Question:I'm 28 and since I was a little girl I wanted to be an actress, but I've never been brave enough to risk and try. I have a job, I have a nice life, but I realised this is not what I've been dreaming of my entire life. Is it too late to start? Is anyone going to cast me at this age (with no experience, I mean)?
Thanks for the answers! :-)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm 28 and since I was a little girl I wanted to be an actress, but I've never been brave enough to risk and try. I have a job, I have a nice life, but I realised this is not what I've been dreaming of my entire life. Is it too late to start? Is anyone going to cast me at this age (with no experience, I mean)?
Thanks for the answers! :-)

My Friend Who I Met At A Workshop, Vanessa Started When She Was Like 31 Or Something. She Was At Her Parents Deathbed And Realised Life Was Too Short... Now She's A Regular on City Homicide The Show. And She Does Crowd Extra Work [ The People in The Crowd Who Get Paid To Over React ] On Shows Like Guiness, Australias Got Talent. That Sorta Stuff. I Reckon if You've Been This Lucky In Life Already Theres No Reason Why You Could Not Extend This Lucky Run. Good Luck!

It's never 2 late! Look at Barbara Windsor who plays Peggy on East Enders, she's 70 and still acting! If you have a dream or a life's ambition, it's never 2 late to fulfil it! If it's what you really want, just go 4 it!! Good Luck!! =)

never too late to say never-go for it ,life is too short

It's never too late. You should at least try. Try taking theater classes at a local theater or something, and working at a community theater will help too. You just have to keep a positive attitude and remember that even if you don't get into a show, just auditioning is a good experience. Just start small and work your way up. Good luck!

No, it's not too late to start. The beauty of acting is you can start at any age and work until you're 100! :-) However, you'll have more success if you learn some fundamental techniques about acting first. If you have any colleges in your area that have theatre departments, call them and ask about taking a basic acting class (often called Acting I or Beginning Acting). Also, if you have community theatres around begin auditioning for small parts and chorus parts. Its a great way to "get your feet wet" in acting and build your confidence. It's one thing to have the desire. It's another to know you have the talent. The only way you'll develop the talent is to get out there and do it.

AS you see from the other answers , no, it is not too late. The question is what sort of actress do you want to become? You can easily get cast in community theatre plays if you just go try. For more help, read my profile and contact me at my aol address where I help people become actors without charge.