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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Can anyone tell me if the Stella Adler acting school in New York is good??

Question:How good???

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: How good???

The school is one of the most famous acting schools in the United States, but you'd have to find a recent student to find out if its still worth your time. Ms. Adler herself was a hoot in the film Shadow of the Thin Man. The school kind of kept the Yiddish acting tradition alive years after the Yiddish theater itself disappeared.

Added after reading the previous post.
Many actors who are successful both artistically and financialy went to acting school and many continue taking classes after they are famous. Actors become great through hard work - the thought that actors are born and not made is the saying of a ridiculous charlatan !!!!

having a look at the alumni is always a good way to tell

Once it was the best. Now it is running on its past glories. And charging large fees accordingly. Don't believe all the hype about what great actors attended an acting school, they all claim they are the reason certain actors are stars, but they actually have nothing to do with it. Good actors will succeed no matter where they study, because you don't learn to act in a class, actors are born not made. Looking for advice about your career? REad my profile and write to me at my aol address where I offer free advice.

It is famous lore that Stella Adler, who actually met with Stanislavsky, was the only American who truly understood his 'method'. I found the book Acting with Adler to be very interesting. It gives you a pretty good idea of the way she thought about acting, and some examples of the ways she worked with actors. I attended HB Studio years ago, and one of the reasons was that Uta Hagen demanded that the prices be kept at an affordable rate so that anyone who was serious about studying would have a place to go. It's methods are easy to discern by reading Uta Hagen's books. These schools, along with the American Academy, the Neighborhood Playhouse and the Actor's Studio are the classic group of 'studios' to study at in New York.

Dude! Thats MY Acting School's Sister School. We Do Regular Student Swaps And Hold Speeches And Compare One Anothers Techniques And Its Really Fun. My Friend Attended For 2 Terms And Loved It. I Say Go For It... If The feedback of My Friends was Correct Then Certainly Attend.