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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Does anyone know if the cast of Phantom of the Opera in Chicago does a meet and

Question:I'm going with my school on the second, and we're bringing our costa rican exchange students with, so i thought it would be really cool if there was a way to meet the cast after the show, because from what i've heard, the wicked cast does one in the alley, and i thought, maybe the phantom cast will too.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm going with my school on the second, and we're bringing our costa rican exchange students with, so i thought it would be really cool if there was a way to meet the cast after the show, because from what i've heard, the wicked cast does one in the alley, and i thought, maybe the phantom cast will too.

A lot of times the actors will be available to sign autographs after the show, in the "alley," lol, by the stage door. Just make sure at the beginning of the show you ask an usher where the stage door is, and they'll usually be happy to show you where it is. Then whatever actors are feeling up to it will usually hang around the stage door after the show and take pictures with you, etc. But if this is a really special thing for you (with your exchange students and everything), maybe you could write a letter to the cast or something and ask them (politely of course) if they would stick around to greet your friends on the day you're going to the show. You may even be able to get away with asking about a backstage tour...but just maybe. They will probably answer your letter, and even if it's a no, you'll at least know that you tried and they'll probably still sign autographs at the stage door. But people are surprisingly willing to do cool stuff for you if you just ask. Good luck!

Wait outside the stage door. In london if you wait outside the stage door before the show they give you cheaper tickets.