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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Have their ever been any self-moving Puppet shows?

Question:I have a project for my school. It is to have fun, while doing something that I will learn and work on over time, it must put in x amount of hours (which I am not worried about) by the end of the school year. I came up with many ideas, but this one striked me. I am going to build a mechanized, self automated, puppet show. I want to know: Has it ever been done before? Doe anyone know anyway I could start this project?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I have a project for my school. It is to have fun, while doing something that I will learn and work on over time, it must put in x amount of hours (which I am not worried about) by the end of the school year. I came up with many ideas, but this one striked me. I am going to build a mechanized, self automated, puppet show. I want to know: Has it ever been done before? Doe anyone know anyway I could start this project?

What's your budget like?

There are many self-animated style puppets. They're used in places such as zoos, amusement parks, etc.

Steve Axtell of Axtell expressions just announced that they are starting a line of animated puppets by remote control. The cost will be somewhere less than $5000, according to the web site. ( ) He does have a magic drawing board that is automated as well. ( )

I am trying to think of something more realistic (i.e. cost effective) that can be done. I will be glad to help you brainstorm ideas.


. The Greeks and Romans, 2000 years ago, used heat, water, gears and pulleys to move figurines around. But to do an entire Puppet Show? , no.
But you might want to check out the clock makers from Germany 300 years ago who did spring-loaded coocoo clock stuff.