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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> How to get started in theater?

Question:okay so I've realized lately that the one thing I didn't do during high school or my teenage years (i'm 20 now) was be on stage in some sort of play or theatrics...i've done pretty much everything I want to do that, just once, before i'm old and its too late :) i don't want to actually get into the business, i just wanna try it out cause i like experiencing new things...but i don't know where to start, seeing as how i'm not in high school anymore so I can't just join the drama program? and in college, you actually have to audition (as in have prior experience) to even get into their theatre program. but i just wanna do it for fun. where can i start?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: okay so I've realized lately that the one thing I didn't do during high school or my teenage years (i'm 20 now) was be on stage in some sort of play or theatrics...i've done pretty much everything I want to do that, just once, before i'm old and its too late :) i don't want to actually get into the business, i just wanna try it out cause i like experiencing new things...but i don't know where to start, seeing as how i'm not in high school anymore so I can't just join the drama program? and in college, you actually have to audition (as in have prior experience) to even get into their theatre program. but i just wanna do it for fun. where can i start?

Great place to start is local community theatres. You can get your feet wet there and decide if it is something you want to keep up with.

Go to an audition and try out for some kind of extra, or a role with one line, stretch your experience out say youve been in a extera in a highschool play, ive fibbed to get jobs before that i knew i could do, just didnt have the experience they prefered, work your way up to brodway. Idk =P