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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> What is it with the Disney Channel?

Question:Why do so many kids want to go on the Disney channel and keep asking questions about it!? I'm getting so annoyed by this, I'm afraid I'll stab the next person that asks about it. Ahhhhhhhh!!!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Why do so many kids want to go on the Disney channel and keep asking questions about it!? I'm getting so annoyed by this, I'm afraid I'll stab the next person that asks about it. Ahhhhhhhh!!!!

Because Disney is a star making machine actors and performers like Shia LeBeouf, Hilary Duff, Justin Timberlake and so many more all got their start on the Disney channel. they just want in on the action.

hey its kids thing.. u stay away...

I haven't heard anyone ask about it....

ok so y did u make a question?

because they are trying to acheive their dreamss 0.oo


I like to watch Disney, too ^^*

(but not cartoon stuffs...)

i like to watch .. High School Musical

ohhh i know its so anoying but kids are kids they don't know anything yet

don't do that. you'll go to jail. be patient. patience is a virtue. it's christmas. be kind. merry christmas.

because Hannah montana is awesome. She knows me and her love doctor is Ginnesh Ulmerkahn. She goooood

maybe you're annoyed with the stupidity content in some shows...well, I'm 12 and i watch the comedy shows there and im also kinda annoyed with the shows for pre schoolers...but i mean what can you do? just stay out of the situation and let the kids imagine...

because Disney is basically nonsexual pre-adolescent porn they wanna do it for the same reason adults do ours cause its fun and money.

how do you think people feel about reading questions about jamie lynn and christmas songs every 5 minutes, but u dont see anyone going aorund making threaths! if u dont like the question ignore it, its that simple!

just act like you kow wat there talking about

I'm 13, and I dream of being an actress but I would never start on Disney Channel! I would hate being in their mediocre shows. But most kids love it, so they want to be in something they love.