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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> How do you master a Cockney accent?

Question:I have just been cast as Ruth in my University's Production of the Pirates of Penzance. Now I have to learn so sing and speak in a Cockney accent. HELP!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I have just been cast as Ruth in my University's Production of the Pirates of Penzance. Now I have to learn so sing and speak in a Cockney accent. HELP!

Potter = public school RP. No.
Van Dyke = laughable. No.
Winehouse = incoherent. No.

Listen to Audrey Hepburn speaking and singing the part of "Eliza Doolittle" in "My Fair Lady".

watch a movie with that accent in it. (Oliver twist... harry potter...)

Get hold of some videos of Eastenders...the UK soap...listen constantly and pick an actor to immitation works very well. EDIT.....Oliver Twist....the original, sounds very dated now...most of the actors were not Cockney and the accents sound HArry Potter, most of the actors speak R.P. Recieved Pronunciation...(posh British)

Why would ANYONE want to sound like a second class illiterate?... Anyway.. just imitate Dick Van Dyke and his fake cockney accent in Mary Poppins

I began in the performing arts as a musician and later became an actor. One of my earliest character roles was Snobby Price in Shaw's Major Barbara. What I discovered very early on was that If you will study the popular music of the culture of the character you will then find the rhythm of that speech. The Cockney music hall tunes of that era were usually written in 2/4. You simply add the vowel sounds of that speech and you will have a good representation of the accent. I once met a true cockney lady and I can assure you that if you did a true representation of the accent no one would understand you at all. You just want the flavor of the accent: rhythm and vowel sounds. Rent a copy of Mary Poppins and study the Cockney numbers. I remember one good one that interspersed live action with cartoons. That is a good one to get the feel of it.

Watch many Amy Winehouse interviews!! Just start mimicking the way her mouth moves. Pay close attention to the pronunciation letter by letter, mouth gesture by gesture, volume all that stuff lol. I think i'm able to master it pretty well. Well 50% of the time. lol.... but Amy Winehouse is one of my fav signer so of course im gonna bring her up.

Gude Lawk....

And for example you have to pay attention to how they say "A little".

It can sound like
A lih-ole.

Lol u get me! :)

Listen to people with Cockney accents. Practice and record yourself.