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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> I need a Christmas Dramatic reading for tomorrow!!! Please help!?

Question:I was informed today that I will be in a school talent show tomorrow. My class decided that I would do a Dramatic reading/poem or something of the like. It can be funny or serious or anything-I have been searching all night but am still unable to find something suitable. I would appreciate just about ANYTHING! Please no profanity! Thanks SO much!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I was informed today that I will be in a school talent show tomorrow. My class decided that I would do a Dramatic reading/poem or something of the like. It can be funny or serious or anything-I have been searching all night but am still unable to find something suitable. I would appreciate just about ANYTHING! Please no profanity! Thanks SO much!

Why don't you do a camped up version of the Night Before Christmas. Change it and give it a modern twist. You could just say it was inspired by Clement Clarke Moore's Night Before Christmas. You have to give credit where credit is due.

Here's a start:

'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the Crib

Not a bass was thumping, not even a boombox;

The sacks were hung by the heater with care,

In hopes that St. Nick soon would be square;

The gold diggers were nestled all snug in their shed,

While visions of silver spinner spun in their heads;

And Moms in her hair net and I in my shower cap,

Had just settled down for a long night cap,

When out on the street there arose such a clatter,

I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.

I stubbed my toe on the way to the window I flew down the stairs with a bash,

Tore open the blinds and threw up the cash.

The moon glared on the sheets of the new-fallen snow

Gave the light of a cops flashlight to objects below,

When, what to my droopy eyes should I scope,

But a mini sleigh, and eight tiny reindeer,

With a little old pops, so lively and slick,

I knew in a moment it must be hip St. Nick.

Quicker than a woman at a shoe sale rush they came,

And he whistled, and shouted, and called them by name;

"Yo, Dasher! Yo, Dancer! Yo Yo Prancer and Vixen!

Aight , Comet! Yo Cupid! What's up Donder and Blitzen!

I'd probably do something with the Grinch. Maybe deliver it in full James T. Kirk mode. :P