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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> I Want To Act! But Not A Huge Megastar Or A Primary Role. Do You Think I Could M

Question:I'm 14, Been Taking Classes For Years [And Met Some Of The Best Young Talent] And Know Enough About The Industry, AKA Rejection Surplus. YES It's Hard To Break Into And I Know People Always Want To "Make They're Way To The Top". But All I Want To Be Is A Minor Role Guy. You Know A Commercial Heree Or There, A Bit Part, A Minor Role, Just Small Stuff. But If I Was To Take All The Bottom Feeding Roles, Could I Honestly Make A Living Out Of It? Do You Think Theres Enough Money In Being The Sidekick? Please Hit Me Back On This One.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm 14, Been Taking Classes For Years [And Met Some Of The Best Young Talent] And Know Enough About The Industry, AKA Rejection Surplus. YES It's Hard To Break Into And I Know People Always Want To "Make They're Way To The Top". But All I Want To Be Is A Minor Role Guy. You Know A Commercial Heree Or There, A Bit Part, A Minor Role, Just Small Stuff. But If I Was To Take All The Bottom Feeding Roles, Could I Honestly Make A Living Out Of It? Do You Think Theres Enough Money In Being The Sidekick? Please Hit Me Back On This One.

there probally is money and that and u probally could make a living on that but it never hurts to have a side job just in case

read my answer to the question right above yours, it is the same answer for you.

Yes there is. Believe it or not, minor supporting roles get paid more than whats considered an "average" american job (i.e teaching, cop, nurse) Ive played minor roles for HEADS UP in partnership with Dan Productions and University of Texas and i got paid 500 dollars for about a 3 days work(5 hours a day; during the filming we got free transportation and food. ) Thats more than what a typical american job will earn in a complete week only if the person works for 8 hours a day.

And yes its hard to have the big break, im still working my self up there. and im doing pretty good. =] Good Luck

Well, first off, you could actually make a living doing this. I was fortunate enough to have a minor role in an upcoming movie that was filmed in my city last month. On the set, I met some really interesting folks who actually did that sort of thing for a living, and I really got to have a good chat with them, especially with my on-screen mom. It's really something that you have to be dedicated to, because there's lots of commitment involved, even for the tiny roles. Another interesting fact was that all of those people had other jobs with flexible schedules that they could work around and squeeze in acting hours as well. So, if you want to get into this business, you will have to get yourself an agent first, and then hope that something comes up. This can be costly, especially if you're not really needed for anything or if your city/ town isn't a paticularily popular location for filming movies. But if you still want to do this, I'd suggest you contact an agency and go from there. ;)

I think that this question is asked at least a hundred times a week here. No one seems to want to become anything but an actor. Here is the plain truth: The chances of you making a living in that field is slim to none. Really, it's a business of connections (who you know not what you know, even if you are going to be, as you say, "A minor role guy."). You are 14 and you should be concentrating on reality. In other words, get a good solid education and realize that unless you are super talented, super connected, super good looking, and super lucky,your chances of a career in show business is probably not going to happen. Concentrate on school and think of another career path for your future.