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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> I REALLY like acting (hate singing), i take an acting class but im scared sh1tle

Question:ok so right now im a freshman and im taking an acting 1 class. I really like it and i want to do more with acting (also wudn't look to shabby on a college application) but I seem to always get stage fright and forget my lines even though i can reside them uside down and backwards when im not on stage. does anyone know what I should do or have any good tactics for memorizing lines????

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: ok so right now im a freshman and im taking an acting 1 class. I really like it and i want to do more with acting (also wudn't look to shabby on a college application) but I seem to always get stage fright and forget my lines even though i can reside them uside down and backwards when im not on stage. does anyone know what I should do or have any good tactics for memorizing lines????

We once had a fairly well known actress come to our little theater from New York to do a lead in a musical. I was stage managing that show and watched her behind the curtain just before it opened on her. She was literally white as a ghost. Petrified. I whispered to her, "Are you ready...?" She was frozen solid in another world. I hesitated and got a call from the the producer who brought her out. "What's the delay?" I told her and she told me it would be OK - just start the show.. I did and when the light hit her, she was Madam Rose birnging the show to the audience which was spellbound - not by her lines but because she was giving the audience what the lines implied. (Real acting incorporates a bit of the magic from which it came)

I have a terrible time learning lines - until i get to work them with others. The thing - for me anyway - is to get to what the lines are saying. The emotion, the metaphor, the spirit whatever you want to call it - get that - and once you learn to trust it, you may still be nervous at first -but that "thing" you have discovered in the lines for that scene, that moment, that play, will carry you through better than you could ever plan.

Good luck! (Break-a-leg)

How are you in rehearsal? Can you do your lines then in front of your cast? Really use tech week to practice doing them in front of people. When you're memorizing, make sure you aren't on auto-pilot. Get the core idea of what you're saying so that if you get choked up, you can rephrase the line so that you say the same thing essentially (same meaning), but not verbatim to the script. You could try working on improvisation with your director or with another instructor who knows improv. That will help you feel like you can back yourself up if you need it.
Break a leg.

Don't panic and try to connect with the moment and yourself. Connect with the mood in the auditorium. Try to enjoy it.

Ok! I love this one!
1st:RELAX! The more you think it,the more you'll choke.You're shooting yourself in the foot by worrying about presentation too much.WAAAAAY too much!
2nd.RELAX! if you're any good at all(and i figure by now you whether you are or not) you know the material. So now,you have to learn to dive into the deep end of the pool(Usine suggestion 1) and go for it!
3rd"RELAX! Don't worry about how well the actors before you did,it's useless(and probably the biggest culprit in your
phobia about failure.That's what acting school is for.To learn among other things,how to fail and learn something from the experiance.
4thRELAX! The audience wants to like you!They really do!No kidding!
5thRELAX! And be willing,for the sake of your craft to say nothing of your own personal satisfaction, to go out there and make an *** of yourself.Don't you know that the very best ones have the same inseurities asyou do?Yeah,even Brad Pitt!
And last(though far,far from the least)...
and you'll be just fine!:-)

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