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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Age Range/Headshot?

Question:I am putting together my resume, for some agents and I need my age range. How do I figure out my age range? for now I just put 13-17 but I don't know. I am sure I can go a little older, I am not sure about younger though. Does it really matter? Cause can't the agent change it anyway later on?

Also, the agency I am possibly auditioning for just said to come and present monolgues and do an interview, would I need a headshot on my resume? what could I say? Cause I am not able to get one, until after I am sure I am with an agent.
What can I do? Will they send me off to get one? I don't mind paying cause I know you have to...

Thanks x

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I am putting together my resume, for some agents and I need my age range. How do I figure out my age range? for now I just put 13-17 but I don't know. I am sure I can go a little older, I am not sure about younger though. Does it really matter? Cause can't the agent change it anyway later on?

Also, the agency I am possibly auditioning for just said to come and present monolgues and do an interview, would I need a headshot on my resume? what could I say? Cause I am not able to get one, until after I am sure I am with an agent.
What can I do? Will they send me off to get one? I don't mind paying cause I know you have to...

Thanks x

I never put my age range on my resume. Why? If they want to know how old I am, they can look at my headshot and determine for themselves how old they THINK I am.
However, since your under 18, you may need to note that. I'm not sure if you need to put your exact birthday or just the fact that you're under 18, that's something you can ask them.
Also, not that when it comes to high school roles, CD's will more thank likely cast actors who are over 18 and can play young, so if you're under 18 it's in your better interest, marketing wise, to play as young as you can, not older.

As for your audition, you're obviously a beginner and the agency has called you in knowing you're a beginner, I'm assuming. So, don't worry about a headshot/resume right now. If, after you do your monologue/cold read/interview, they decide that they want to represent you, they will tell you what the next step is. The very first step will most likely to get you into some classes. Every time you go on an audition, you're representing that agency and they will want to make sure you have the skill and technique to give a solid performance. Their reputation is riding on it.
As for headshots, you can ask them for recommendations. A red flag would be if they have an in-house photographer that they say you have to shoot with. Have them give you some names and do your own research with your parents. Many photographers have portfolios online, so pick the person who's pictures your like best and think are the most interesting.

Good luck!

If you're serious about acting, you need a headshot no matter what. Whether you have an agent or not, people will be expecting you to show up at auditions with a headshot and resume. I would suggest you get them as soon as possible. They will probably expect you to have one at this meeting, but if you're pressed for time, just bring any recent picture of yourself and assure them that you are getting headshots soon.

As for age range, just be honest. If you think you can play 13-17, then that's fine. That shows that you can play any middle school to high school role. That's pretty versitile.

do you know what tfp or tfcd is? it's time for prints. instead of paying an exorbitantly amount (which may or may not get you a couple quality prints) you can get a bunch of free prints in exchange for allowing a photographer to work for you. it's basically for novice actors/models. if you want to post your profile to meet photographers in your area, is a good place to start. is also good, and even more secure than modelmayhem, but profiles get pricey. you don't always have to pay for your picures. (never had to pay for mine) and with those sites, you don't necessarily have to be a model. they are definitely looking for actors as well!

I don't think that the age range that you put down will matter, they just want an idea, they'll be the judge of what your capable of when they see you, as for a head shot, they'll most likely want one to see how you photograph....send in a photo of yourself that you already have.
They'll find out everything that they want to know in your interview....agents usually just want to see if they think you have a chance...and they want to know if you'll get them their 10%.....I wouldn't worry, when you get there they'll tell you what you still have to do as far as a headshot goes !!!!!!!!! Good luck to you !!!!!!!!