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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Do you think I'm ok at acting?


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I sort of had to exit before you finished. There were streaks of potential but honestly buddy, classes and experience would help you out a heap. I'm also a young teen trying to build on my performing talents. Keep trying at it though mate. Remember to be a great actor you need to know how to entertain people. Work off of that first comment, that person seems to really know what they're talking about.

No, you are not good at acting, that was horrible.

Mostly because of 3 main problems that will not constitute you as an actor.

1. You were speaking to the camera, instead of off screen... Don't do that.

2. You were obviously making it up as you went along, and not with good material I will give you that.

3. Seeing as how your material was so shitty, I'm going to find something that may be in your range...
Bare with me here...

There are some actors that can't act in a specific genre, and drama, being the genre you cannot perform well in...

I'll grab a couple of monologues for you that I think would be wicked...