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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Does anybody know a way to find the royalty fees on a play called "Rinse th

Question:i could also use a publishing company i need the royalty fee to direct it in my high school

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i could also use a publishing company i need the royalty fee to direct it in my high school

The copyright of this work resides with the heirs of Wayne and Schuster however it is near impossible to locate information on them. You can see if you can dig around and see if you can locate them but if this is for a school performance you may be safe to do it without paying for the rights. However if you plan to charge admission or record it I would search further but if you do not locate them go ahead with the performance and if anyone questions you on it you can inform them you did your ground work and came up empty handed. For shows that clearly are held with places like Samuel French or Dramatists it is not OK to do this but in this case you are probably fine.

you need royalty fees to direct it to your h.s. ? lol,lol. their not gonna pay your h.s or anyone else to use their play.i dont think you need to know about a royalty fee for a high school gimmick. maybe you can contact the libary of congress and see who it belongs to. but it's gonna cost you $$$$ to do that. you will probley have to get permission from each actor, director, film co.etc. they have / own all the copy write names & #'s to it.