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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> What is a good production name?

Question:my freinds and i make videos a lot. and we want a production name - something productions...

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: my freinds and i make videos a lot. and we want a production name - something productions...

Years ago when I was doing this with a friend we sat down with a pencil and paper and brainstormed words that were associated with what ideas we wanted to get across with our projects we produced. We made a full page list of words like passion, knowledge, humanity, and sometimes the odd word like purple. ( We were brainstorming after all). Once that was done we went back through and circled the words that stood out to us the most and then did that one more time. We eventually narrowed it down and had a production company name that felt perfect for us.

We all here could throw hundreds of names to you and your friends but they won't mean anything to what you guys are creating. Take the time to do this and I promise you will feel great about the name you come up with but it will also feel like it is YOURS.

Like Star Productions?
Or Two Friends Productions.

I know it sounds lame, but what if you and your friends put your initials together. Or maybe you could use something that describes you guys as a group. (ex. M.O.L.E.R. productions or Xtreme productions)