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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> What do you dislike about acting?

Question:People who act, do it be they love it. But there are also some things that we dislike (not that they out-weigh the good) - what are the things that you dislike about acting?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: People who act, do it be they love it. But there are also some things that we dislike (not that they out-weigh the good) - what are the things that you dislike about acting?

I dislike...

*When they're having all the actors read the same scene and you're all ready for it and then they switch scenes right when it's your turn to go up and read
*When they want you to read Shakespeare like you're a biker chick, valley girl, or other such nonsense
*When they switch which role they want you to read for without letting you read for the character they had originally told you to prepare for.

The Profession:
*No sick leave
*No holidays off
*It's one of the only professions where they can legally hire you or not hire you based on gender, race, age, and looks
*Unlike most job interviews - you only have 90 seconds to prove you are right for the job
*Unlike most other jobs where your resume is what can land you the job, they base most of their decision on what you can do right in that moment (and don't care if you're sick, having a bad day, exhausted, etc.)
*Unlike an artist's portfolio where the art work is presented as the complete work of art - which will never change... an actor's performance is very variable... depending on many factors (health, the kind of day they're having, distractions in the room, temperature, etc.)
*In theatre, an actor's work exists only in time... they cannot take it home at the end of the day and look at it again later. As soon as an actor performs, the work is gone.
*There is constant rejection
*People are constantly judging your performance
*The show must go on... even if you're sick, injured, or had a death in your family
*You must constantly deal with other people's egos, unprofessionalism, or ideas that you know don't work for the show.
*Smelly, itchy costumes that don't fit
*Working with other actors who don't learn their lines or blocking, but have huge egos
*Actors who know nothing, but think they do (same with directors, costumers, and choreographers)
*The way actors interact when they see each other places (particularly auditions) - they always talk about what shows and acting jobs they've been doing and subtly try to out do the other.
*The fact that most people don't *get* what it is you do as an actor - and think it's a silly, easy, little thing, and not a "real" job
*The number of people who think that being a good and successful actor is the same thing as being a famous actor... so if you're not famous, you must not be very good or successful

That's probably enough complaining for now - lol.

That should be, "very well thought OUT" - I hate when I make typos and don't catch them in time. Report It

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  • When you have to work with your enemy!!

    when you can't make yourself cry

    I hate that the fact that my husband is really good at it and he is a great Liar and actor and can put up any kind of front when he needs to. He is a master of deception. I think you know where this is going.

    the times i don't get to act. and sometimes the director. but you just live with it.

    remembering the lines, i like improv more!

    I do not like all the publicity they get for the stupidest things...who cares if whoever is out at 2 am buying a taco?? It's way overrated and I think people are getting sick of hearing about it.

    I am an actor, but I am not going to pursue a professional career because I dislike:
    Long rehearsals
    crazy directors
    memorizing lines
    crazy co workers
    unprofessional co workers
    and little pay.

    In t.v. acting, you have to do anything, they want of you, cussing, bad scenes, and the like.

    i'm not an actor but i play one on t.v.

    Having to see the sex act in movies. It sometimes lends nothing to the dialog of any movie I would like to NOT see it. Besides... it always looks like such an effort when it is the most natural thing in the world...all that huffing and puffing and grinding. I don't really appreciate seeing it. I liked it when the act was left to our made for romance. Where the hell has romance gone? They always cross the line here and I don't think much of the actors who go all the way in that area. The truly good ones don't go there...have you noticed? It is not necessary to the story anyway but the financiers behind the movie think it adds something to line their pockets with. You know ...if the movie ain't good...there is always sex to be used/exploited.

    The other thing is the exploitation of the actor by the entertainment media...they have no privacy. Is it any wonder that young girl Brittany Spears is out of her mind and body? She doesn't seem to know who she is anymore. It is an industry that will eat you alive if you are any good at it. I rest my case.

    I hate it when you're behind the curtain getting ready to walk out on stage to do your lines. Its always so nerve racking and when I'm behind the stage I tend to recite my lines because I'm always afraid I'll mess up. Mainly--I hate the thought of messing up

    Assuming most of you are not getting paid and acting for a living...

    Most actors work for free and do it for the love of the art... I suppose the worst part of acting is when the director is a hot-head and rehearsals run until after 11:00PM (and I have to be at work the next morning).

    I hate it when:
    your co-workers are unprofessional
    you get a lot of attitude from co-workers
    you get rejection
    you get frustrated because of memroizing many lines
    you cannot cry when you want to
    you cannot pull of the scene the way THEY want you to
    your director fires you
    There are a lot of frustrations but if you believe in yourself and if you are determined, you will get far in the acting industry.

    I love acting. I hate trying to get parts. A professional actor must always be looking for work...which is the hardest job there is. Once you get it, THAT's when the fun begins.

    rejection, auditioning is tough, csa'S!

    I do not like the jargon that people throw around, such as "be in the moment". I think people use that actor slang when they don't know what specifically they want to say.

    Nothing. Acting is a hoot.

    Actors, on the other hand........