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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> How do i get an agent?

Question:so i am an actress and want to find a new agent, one that is experienced and good. any ideas on how to go about this? thanks! xoxo

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: so i am an actress and want to find a new agent, one that is experienced and good. any ideas on how to go about this? thanks! xoxo

Mu suggestion, is look for some agencies in the Yellow Pages, also possibly ask your drama teacher at school..of how you should go about it.

I am in the process of finding agents...i have found I just have to try and convince my parents to let me.

But do your research on them ,ask around, find out what you need for the auditions, even type a professional email asking about it. I did this and they were extremely friendly and helpful.

I hope this gives you some sort of help...

Break A Leg XX

if you're in the union get the union list and talk with other actors and see who they are with.

so, Krissy, you are not an actress. you are a wannabe. if you were an actress you would know that you cannot get an agent without your parents. Until you are 18, you can do no professional work withour their consent. Until you are 18, you don't have a chance of being an actress unless your parents are working hard to make you one. They have to get you the experience, training , and agent.