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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> What's the best way for me to stay warm so I don't get frostbite?

Question:I'm going to see a play downtown where I live but the doors to the theatre will not open till 1:30 p.m. I checked the weather network and it says -10 degrees with a -16 chill facror, so it's going to be at least -26. What is my best way to keep warm so I don't get frostbite while waiting outside the doors - outside of the theatre?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm going to see a play downtown where I live but the doors to the theatre will not open till 1:30 p.m. I checked the weather network and it says -10 degrees with a -16 chill facror, so it's going to be at least -26. What is my best way to keep warm so I don't get frostbite while waiting outside the doors - outside of the theatre?

Dress in layers so you can shed a few inside and stay comfortable. The outer layer should be rain and waterproof. Keeping your feet warm will be important, so wear whatever you have with the best insulation in the sole. Scarves and hats are in this season.

Camping supply stores sell glove and boot liners that have a chemical reaction inside that generates heat for a few hours. I'd get lots of those if I lived someplace that got that cold. Brrrr.


Basically what they are saying is that the "house" doesn't open until 1:30p (assuming this is a 2pm show). All that means is that you can't get directly into the theatre itself.

Any theatre has a lobby area. You will be able to get into the theatre venue, but not the actual theatre until they "open the house" (which is permission from the Stage Manager to open the doors and let people into the auditorium once tech checks, on stage warm-ups etc are completed).

If for some extremely bizzare reason, this particular theatre does not have a lobby, my suggestion is to wait inside a coffee shop, OR not show up until 1:30p so you can go right in. I am assuming you have tickets, so noone is going to take your seats and the show will not sell out to the point you can't get in because they already know tickets have been sold.

A bit of an odd question, I take it this might be your first time to a theatre :) either that, or this is the most archaic theatre of all time.