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Question:im in a school play and in the end i should cry..?
i trained myself but it doesnt work everytime,and if it does work it takes me a long time to shed a single tear !!? any ideas how to do it ?! i dont want any onion or anything because the stage is really close to the crowd ..
please and thank you !

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: im in a school play and in the end i should cry..?
i trained myself but it doesnt work everytime,and if it does work it takes me a long time to shed a single tear !!? any ideas how to do it ?! i dont want any onion or anything because the stage is really close to the crowd ..
please and thank you !

I was always taught to think of the nicest person or pet that I was most emotionally attached to - and then imagine that person or animal dying.

Either that or a touch of glycerine in your eyes will always work (and it's easier to carry on stage than an onion!).

Think of the saddest thing you ever endured, that usually works...if not, then rub a lil bit of vapor rub under the eyes, the fumes will make you cry.

If you over practice it, you may not be able to cry. The problem is, whatever you do to emotionally get yourself into a state where you can cry, do it enough times, and you get over it and aren't so emotional about it anymore.

Talk to your director. There are things you can use, liquids that will induce tears, that you can dip a handkerchief into. You put it near your eyes and they water, etc.

I think you should concentrate more on the "sobbing" part rather than the tears, I dont think ppl would even notice them unless a camera was focusing on your face.

If you go off set get a small wet sponge and hold your hands agianst your face and sqeeze the sponge. ;P

If you have trouble about getting the right look thinking of the sadest thing that has happened to you or if there hasn't been somthing that has happened think of one of the following e.g; if your christian think of all your unchristian friend that are going to hell or when about when you die.

2 tricks people use 4 this

a. wrap in a handkerchief a small squeeze bottle(like a thing of Visine) filled with water & use it to add tears to your eyes whilst pretending to wipe them.(practice it a lot before doing it on stage)
b. think of something tragic that is guarranteed to make you sad enough to cry(this however can be very distracting whilst trying to act

Good luck

Well, honestly, onions are a silly idea in the first place.

While it doesn't always work, I'd say, a lot of people think about sad things.

Mentally, you should be prepared with a significantly sad thought. Think about how sad you'd be if ____ happened. Recall a movie that made you cry (I recommend All Dogs go to Heaven, Charlotte's Web, Dragonheart, or some movie that you remember being affected by during childhood).

Try thinking of something that is personally sad to you, like losing someone you love. Think about the most heart wrenching situation possible, like watching someone you love commit suicide violently through the window in a door, and not being able to get in. How's that for sad? If that doesn't work, you're far too internally jaded to be acting. :P

Do What I do? Truly believe in what your character is feeling. Make it yours and not imaginary. Or think of sad, depressing thoughts. Or my favorite, tell a love one to tell you something mean or sad in the future. Then when they do it, you'll remember what you went through and you could use it.

What don't you think of something that always makes you cry?
I heard that it works. Just concentrate real hard, and it might come. You might want to practice it in order for it to work for you.
Hope I was of help. Good luck with the play.

Don't act like you're crying.

Don't think it is just a play.

Think the play is real life... say the lines as you really mean it.

You are not you. You are the character. Have to make that
character comes alive.

You are focusing on crying too much. Listen to what your character is saying and what others are saying to you. Relate and react to what is going on in the scene itself. If you are really in the moment and listening to the lines then the tears will come naturally. You can't force it.

Fake crying is kind of a "pet peeve" with me. People in real life try to suppress tears, usually, out of embarrassment or fear of looking vulnerable.

So trying to summon tears is unnatural. Try to focus on your character and her need in the scene. If the tears don't come, you can still convey grief, shock, or whatever your character is experiencng.

Sometimes mere stillness is effective onstage. But just focusing on that big moment where you need to shed a tear will take you out of the scene.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<oh easy one keep an orange peel in you hand and squeeze it in ur eyes and tada the work is done>>>>>>>>>>>experienced one

for me the best way to cry is to think of somtthing realy sad, or not blinking for the longest time try it...when i want to cry i dont blink for the longest time, because its better then thinking of something sad.

If you have ever had someone die in your life, think of them and your last memories of them. It works everytime for me!

Hope it works!