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Question:I'm pretty nervous =/ I've been told I have a good voice, and a 'falseto' or something...when your voice vibrates? Well, I was wondering 2 things;

1: How do i improve my voice?

2: How did you get over your fear of trying out for a musical, if you did?

and just any tips?? The musicals called The Wiz

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm pretty nervous =/ I've been told I have a good voice, and a 'falseto' or something...when your voice vibrates? Well, I was wondering 2 things;

1: How do i improve my voice?

2: How did you get over your fear of trying out for a musical, if you did?

and just any tips?? The musicals called The Wiz

You are thinking "vibrato", where you bounce the pitch. Females do not sing Falsetto. That is reserved for us guys.

Question 1: Practice diaphragmatic breathing. ("Huh?" I hear you cry). Here we go:
Sit comfortably and breathe normally. See how your chest rises and falls? You are filling your upper lungs.
Now sit up, young lady, and don't slouch. Center your head over your butt. Chest out, chin up, shoulders down.
Breathe in using your belly muscles, and do not allow your chest to expand. Lower. In the belly. Now you are filling your lower lungs.
Kinda hurts huh? Do it again. Now use your belly muscles to completely empty your lungs. Squeeze like you are barfing. Hold it for 5 seconds. Now push out your belly with your mouth open. Did you gasp? Did you fill your lungs in about a second? Try it again.

Congratulations. You have just learned diaphragmatic breathing.

"What does that have to do with singing?" I hear you cry.

Everything. If you can control your breathing, using your diaphragm, you can out-shout a 747 at take-off.

Not really, but you get my point (or so I hope).

Question 2: The only way to get over fear of auditioning is to audition. It will never be as bad as you think it will be. Take it from a guy who has stunk up a room (metaphorically speaking) while auditioning on more than one occasion. You will survive.

Well, I'm just the same as you. I know that's NOT what falseto is, but I also don't know what it is. To get over my fear, I sang in front of my parents. I was so nervous and embarrassed at first but I've gotten over it now. Have them be in the room with you but not look at you if that makes you nervous. Then as you get more comfortable, let them watch you. All you have to do is practice. To improve your voice, take lessons. I don't take lessons, but I've noticed that since I've been practicing for my musical, just by singing more my voice has gotten stronger, therefore sounding a little better. Good luck! I hope this helps.

1. You can improve your voice by taking voice lessons... or looking up ways to improve your technique in books or online. The main problem most kids have is not breathing correctly, so be sure you're breathing from your stomach and not your chest (through your diaphragm).

2. It's natural - even good - to be nervous at an audition, because it means you care about what you're auditioning for. I've never completely cured my fear, but a couple of things that help me are not looking at the director(s) when I'm doing my song or monologue, breaking the ice with them by saying hi or whatever before I start my audition, and listening to music beforehand to calm me down. Remember that the only people who are going to hear your audition are the directors and you, and no one's going to think any less of you if you screw up!

Break a leg! :)

I am in a current musical production and I have never sung in my entire life. I auditioned and got a part that has two scenes with singing in it. My best advice. Have fun, relax, Have fun and play. Believe me it's the best way! It worked for me.