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Question:A lot of people have their parents or guardian as their modeling/acting agent. How do you do that because I live in Lawrenceville and there's not a lot of REAL agents here. Thanks!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: A lot of people have their parents or guardian as their modeling/acting agent. How do you do that because I live in Lawrenceville and there's not a lot of REAL agents here. Thanks!

Some stars have their parents as their manager, not their agent. Agents have to have industry contacts and relationships to be sent breakdowns. etc. It's not just something (kinda like acting) you can decide to do.

If there aren't many agents in your area, it's because there's not much work in your area. Sign with the ones you can or move to where there IS work (when you're 18).

Odds are that there are no acting agents in Lawrence, KS. The reason for that is there probably isn't enough work there to support one. So having a parent fulfill that role would not do any good.

Before you go thinking about agents, you need to determine if there's a market in your area. Do local newspapers or magazines use local models for shoots? Or do shoots take place in a larger market for editorial material or ads? Or do people just take pictures of friends?

You need to know this before you start thinking about representation. And once you know the answers, you start asking yourself why you need someone to represent you. Why can't you do it yourself? Do you think your parents necessarily know how to get work of this type any better than you do?

Good luck! You are proposing to start off down a very long, hard, and rocky road.

/what good will it do you if there are no gigs where you live? You have to live where the work is.