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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> English accent?

Question:How do you think actors get so good at doing accents?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: How do you think actors get so good at doing accents?

well, when watching movies or listening to something, i usually repeat the actor's line with their accent until i get it right. it may take a while but after a while you get the hang of it. you can do it when watching a movie on dvd so you can rewind it if you dont get it the first few time. (:

Hold a grape between your two sets of molars, and say words without breaking the grape. That was how I learned. I fool people who are actually from the UK.

by practicing

They take classes to learn these accents.

practice makes perfect........also, that's why they are actors and make the dig bucks.

Since I am an actor who is good at accents, I will tell you what I did. I took classes that taught me to hear speech sounds and record them and then read them back. One does this with the International Phonetic Alphabet (something akin to what Harry HIggins did in My Fair Lady) and an understanding of how speech is formed. Then I used this knowledge to acquire and to teach stage dialects to my actors and casts. We drilled the dialect before each rehearsal and I corrected the actors whenever they slipped up. So classes and repetition are the key.