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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> I'm having a Twelfth Night Party?

Question:For my theatre friends. We'll read the Shakespeare play and enjoy a five course feast--one course after each act. So--which part in the play do you want to read?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: For my theatre friends. We'll read the Shakespeare play and enjoy a five course feast--one course after each act. So--which part in the play do you want to read?

Will the girls be cross dressing? :-) haha

"Be not afraid of greatness: some are born great, some achieve greatness and some have greatness thrust upon them"

Cool! Am I invited?

I would love to read Viola. She has always been a special role for me... plus I'm partial to trouser roles.

Feste, please!

I'd read whatever because a five course feast sounds freaking awesome.

Which wine will you drink with each course? I'd rather "Saint Joseph 1990" !
If you invite me I'll read the first act because if the wine is good, I could be drunk after the second act !