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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Have any ideas on what to wear to my egyptain fair?

Question:I have a egyptain fair next Tuesday and I need some tips on how to make a womens costume and it really just needs to be a very simple yet good costume. I REALLY NEED SOME HELP I AM STUMPED!!!
Thanks All,

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I have a egyptain fair next Tuesday and I need some tips on how to make a womens costume and it really just needs to be a very simple yet good costume. I REALLY NEED SOME HELP I AM STUMPED!!!
Thanks All,

wear a one length short bob haircut wig. (black color) with a gold hairpieces

then wear a golden long skirt with a tube top thats the same color as well

wear big bangles for accessories. and necklaces

line your eyes with black eyeliner.

for your footwear if you have you have one of those persian looking flip flops those could work out.

look up Anne Hathaway's egyptian look. it might help you visualize.