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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> What about Romeo and Juliet makes it so timeless?

Question:Why is it something we still read? How did it gain such a high status in the world of writing?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Why is it something we still read? How did it gain such a high status in the world of writing?

This is all just my own opinion, but....

I think it has stood the test of time, for one, because of the controversy in it, and the fact that we can find examples of it in our own lives.

Though many people think that it is first and foremost a love story, its basis is on feuding families, societies and politics. The two families fight because of their classes and social standings, and they used the "love (see: lustful teenagers)" of Romeo and Juliet as an excuse to further their feud.

It has a lot to do with the wars and feuds and stereotypes we still have today, and will most likely always have.

I may have gone a bit off there, but mostly I think that the issues present in Romeo and Juliet can be associated with our own society today.

Shakespear wrote a classic that has been loved through out the ages