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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Monolouges for 13 YEAROLD girls?

Question:Hey my name is Rachel and I am auditioning for an agent and I need two scripts could anyone give me any websites or info on scripts for my age , thirteen yearsold and I am a girl.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hey my name is Rachel and I am auditioning for an agent and I need two scripts could anyone give me any websites or info on scripts for my age , thirteen yearsold and I am a girl.

when i get in these situtations...... i alwayss go to the librabry and get a little book on teen monologs....... you just have to try them all out and pick your fav.

good luckkk

Juliet from Shakespeare's Romeo & Juliet was a fourteen year old. She has loads of good monologues.

Shakespeare done well will impress anyone!

over the moon from rent.