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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Curse of the Starving Class?

Question:Someone sum up the play of "Curse of the Starving Class" please!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Someone sum up the play of "Curse of the Starving Class" please!

It's about a mother named Ella, and her daughter Emma.

Emma - wants to travel to Baja California to be an mechanic.

Ella - wants to travel to Europe to live her dreams.

Wes nearly kills Ella, and Wesley is the father.

It's called the Starving Class since Ella is always hungry and they never have much food, even though they live on a farm.

I'm presuming that they are quite poor.

so there was this school
and in the school, a class
and in the class, kids
and the kids were sooo hungry.

just kidding don't use this!

ps. sorry for wasting your time!

Wesley is not the father he is the son. he cleans up the mess his father leaves after coming home late completely drunk.