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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Adult Skit Ideas (NOT xxx)?

Question:The company I work for is having a Holiday Luncheon, at which several departments will be performing skits. Last year had some pretty funny ones. My team is looking for ideas. I say adult NOT meaning dirty, but because I don't want to do something that a fifth grade class would do. Let me know if you have any clever ideas.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: The company I work for is having a Holiday Luncheon, at which several departments will be performing skits. Last year had some pretty funny ones. My team is looking for ideas. I say adult NOT meaning dirty, but because I don't want to do something that a fifth grade class would do. Let me know if you have any clever ideas.

do a popular comedy show- like the office, desperate housewives, grey's anatomy.. etc

A comedy of errors always works well. You will need someone who always misunderstands words and comments, then acts on them they way they thought they were said.

Both previous people had good ideas. For me I was thinking something similar but having to do with making a spec commercial for your company gone wrong or maybe a training video where the host is telling you all the right ways employees should behave in the workplace but behind him or her she has no idea that everything is completely going to pot.

good luck, it sounds like it will be lots of fun!