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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Is The Lion King musical worth seeing?

Question:If you LOVE musicals, beautiful costumes, wonderful dancing, gorgeous voices and fine acting, that when put together in one show, makes your heart smile and your soul soar, then YES YES YES.

Of course if you don't like the above - it is still worth seeing for the costumes and acting alone.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: If you LOVE musicals, beautiful costumes, wonderful dancing, gorgeous voices and fine acting, that when put together in one show, makes your heart smile and your soul soar, then YES YES YES.

Of course if you don't like the above - it is still worth seeing for the costumes and acting alone.

Yes it is definitely worth seeing.


Totally!! One of the best musicals I have seen and great use of costume design!

Yes! If you love the movie, u'll love this more! there are new songs new scenes, and the costumes are amazing!

Course thats my opinion

Yes, but I suggest seeing it only if you can get orchestra seating (which is weird for me to say as I generally prefer mezzanine or balcony). If you are up higher you run the risks of seeing the mechanics of the revolving set pieces which can take away from some of the magic of the show. But if you're interested in that, by all means, sit in the balcony.
