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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Which musical is better?

Question:The Color Purple, Wicked, Hairspray or Rent?

I'm talking from a strictly "LIVE" point of view. My husband and I love musicals and we've seen all of these on DVD, so we know the plots, but which one is the best "LIVE?"

Which one has the best theatrics?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: The Color Purple, Wicked, Hairspray or Rent?

I'm talking from a strictly "LIVE" point of view. My husband and I love musicals and we've seen all of these on DVD, so we know the plots, but which one is the best "LIVE?"

Which one has the best theatrics?

It depends what you're looking for.

1. Wicked
2. Hairspray
4. The Color Purple

1. Hairspray
2. Wicked
4. The Color Purple

1. Wicked
3. The Color Purple
4. Hairspray

These are just my opinions, but I think you'd be happiest seeing Wicked. Visually, especially, it has amazing theatrics and is an all-around great show.


WICKED! the best of them all.

I havent seen any of those musicals. ( but i have seen the movie The color purple) But if I had a chance to go see one of those it would be Wicked. That looks very good.

I loved Rent. I've seen it four times on stage, but it's definitely one that is not for everyone.

Well it depends on what your taste in musicals is...I would say the most entertaining/fun ones would be:
1) Hairspray

Hairspray has awesome music and great dances...the costumes are awesome. The whole production is amazing!

Wicked is certainly different when it comes to the story. It has big effects, such as the time dragon. The music is powerful, but Hairspray is more tuneful.
Have fun!

If you are going to NY and plan to see a show then Hands down you want to see Rent. My wife and I are in NY 3-4 times a year and catch a show when we are there. The only one on your list we didn't see is the color purple and that's simply because we just weren't interested.

Also if it's an adult only group try Ave. Q. It's a fun commentary on our world today that mocks a lot of what Sesame street has turned into.

However, you asked about theatrics and honestly some of the best are the Disney remakes although I haven't seen Little Mermaid I've heard it's pretty good and we are planning on seeing Mary Poppins and definitely In the Heights. If you get a chance to see a show where the originators are still involved then by all means go.

Wicked has got to be the most amazing musical ever performed. I saw it in the Oriental Theater in Chicago, and man, was it breathtaking! The songs, the dances, the storyline...It was just amazing.

Wicked has the most effects and music like JC Superstar; Hairspray is the teenage musical like Grease and Bye Bye Birdie with that same infectious energy. ...Purple is more of a story musical in the same vein that Fiddler is a story musical; more about the people than the effects. But Rent has the best backstory. The joke going around NYC was that you sdidn't have to be a good singer to be in Rent, but with the author dying on dress rehearsal night and all of the AIDS plots, it is definitely an 80s-90s musical.

Wicked and The Color Purple are my favorites ... Although they are two completely different types of shows, I'd say that I was equally emotionally envolved while watching both shows.

The best one I ever seen was My Fair lady. It was done in Pittsburgh. It was fantastic!

They are all wonderful in their own ways.
The Color Purple is a classic
Wicked is groundbreaking
Hairspray is inspirational
RENT is loud and informative

At the time I'd choose Wicked but later i may feel differently

These are by no means my favorite shows, but in terms of best theatrics (which is what you asked for), these are my points of view, in order.

Color Purple
Rent (I personally don't care for Rent)