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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> What's the best way to prepare for a starring role?

Question:I am in a play on Saturday and I haven't been in a starring role since about 8 years ago. I haven't even acted in 4 years. I am getting back into it now but I am a little nervous.
There will be about 300 people there. What's the best way to prepare myself mentally? Also, any tips or tricks for doing a great job on stage? Thanks guys.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I am in a play on Saturday and I haven't been in a starring role since about 8 years ago. I haven't even acted in 4 years. I am getting back into it now but I am a little nervous.
There will be about 300 people there. What's the best way to prepare myself mentally? Also, any tips or tricks for doing a great job on stage? Thanks guys.

Well, you must still be ok, since you got the part.

Rehearse your lines, over and over, but when you keep rehearsing them, make sure you don't let your voice go too monotone.

Then, when practicing, get up and move around like you wil on stage.

use good facial expressions and don't always look one place.

look on different sides of the audience and at different characters, everytime you are supposed to look up.

Don't be nervous, you might be, up until the play, but once you're out there performing, you will forget all about it because you will be having so much fun out there.

Good Luck!!

Have Fun!!


What play are you performing and what character are you?

get comfortable with the stage through practice. Know your part. Have fun.

Make sure you know all your lines well in advance. Be comfortable in knowing your character inside-out, know their motives and emotions in each scene, as the leads in every show move the plot through their actions/emotions/thoughts.

On the night eat early in the day, as you won't eat as much when you get nervous. When it is 30 mins before the opening, compose yourself and sit calmly, prepare yourself for the stage. You will do a better performance because of it.