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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Do you think a spanish dark skinned male has a chance on broadway?

Question:I just have doubts that I won't make it big on broadway because im spanish and dark skinned. What do you think?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I just have doubts that I won't make it big on broadway because im spanish and dark skinned. What do you think?

Talent. That's what's important. I know it sounds cheesey, but hey! Look at Chita Rivera. One of the greatest broadway stars of all time, Tonys and everything, and she's Puerto Rican. As long as you have talent, and enough drive to keep pushing, and just that bit of luck, I'll bet you can succeed. You're 15, you have your whole life before you, don't think these depressing thoughts. Go for it!

Believe in yourself, and have faith. That's the best advice I can give you!!! If you are very good and confident skin color wont be an issue. It's all about your delivery, and your personality. I myself am a aspiring actor, but I never doubt myself and let things such as skin color or race discourage me. You'll be great. Just have faith!

Of course you can. On broadway there are many characters that require men who are or look spanish. For example my favorite character in the off-broadway play Altar Boys is spanish. You just need to look around for parts that would fit you. So go out there and get them! :)

it would be so wrong for you to be shunned from preforming for any reason to do with your apperance! If you are a terrible singer that would be a reason for you not to make it, but I've seen plenty of ethnic actors/actresses playing roles that werent origianlly ethnic, dont feel dejected because you are spanish, be proud