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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Names of songs in musical "songs for a whole new world"?

Question:because i really need the list of songs in that musical thing, but i cant find it on google coz everything is coming up as the song a whole new world from aladdin!



Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: because i really need the list of songs in that musical thing, but i cant find it on google coz everything is coming up as the song a whole new world from aladdin!



Well, first of all, the real title of the musical is "Songs for a New World", by Jason Robert Brown. That should make it easier to find stuff. But if you really don't want to look:

1. The New World
2. On the Deck of a Spanish Sailing Ship, 1492
3. Just One Step
4. I'm Not Afraid of Anything
5. The River Won't Flow
6. Stars and the Moon
7. She Cries
8. The Steam Train
9. The World Was Dancing
10. Surabaya - Santa
11. Christmas Lullaby
12. King of the World
13. I'd Give It All For You
14. The Flagmaker, 1775
15. Flying Home
16. Hear My Song

There we go!

It's because you have the title wrong. Try typing in "Songs for a New World." And, use the quotation marks around it--it will search for the title as a whole that way.

you got an extra word in the name it's actually

Songs for a New World

Amazon has it