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Question:macbeth and lady macbeth behave differently after murder of duncan, what is this telling us about their characters??
-ambition was his only reason to killl, complex, developing character, feels remorse

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: macbeth and lady macbeth behave differently after murder of duncan, what is this telling us about their characters??
-ambition was his only reason to killl, complex, developing character, feels remorse

Macbeth feels remorse almost instantly. So much so, that he leaves the scene of the crime still clutching the murder weapon. Lady Macbeth's remorse creeps in gradually. However, both of them delve into a guilt induced madness after the fact.

Macbeth doesn't even want to take this action. His wife's ambition surpasses his own. The irony of his character is that his lack of courage is what allowed him to let his wife lead him astray by questioning his courage.

In my reading, I've never found a reason other than ambition for their initial murderous act, albeit the murders following that of Duncan are committed in lieu of the paranoia concurred from their unscrupulous rise to power. I've theorized that the weird sisters play an important role in the interpretation of this piece. They seem to represent both the Fates & the Furies. While the downfalls of ambition are a very apparent theme in this play, I feel that the question of fate vs volition is an important theme as well.

Banquo chooses to return, though he knows very well the dark deeds that awaits him. Macduff chooses to find Malcom in England when he knows very well the dangers of leaving his family alone in Scotland.

The moral of the story is not merely to mind ones ambition, but as well to make wise choices or suffer the consequences.

"I have no spur to prick the sides of my intent... only vaulting AMBITION which o'er leaps itself and falls on the other"

Yes, the whole play is based on ambition and greed. They both became extremely selfish and did things only for themselves.. not as a couple.
